đź’– Tory Capron's film "Only the Mountain Remains"

Received the email below this morning from someone in the Preparing to Die group that recently completed a three month program with Andrew Holececk. If you aren’t in the group, you might not have received it. The short film is definitely worth seeing as we are all preparing to die, whether we acknowledge it or not.

It is time for my film, Only the Mountain Remains, to be available for all who wish to see it.

In 2017, I decided I wanted to create an art film on dying. I had no idea how to make a film or what exactly I needed to say. I had dream images that kept coming and were driving the ideas. When Covid hit, I realized it was not time to do the film; I was not clear enough on the vision. In 2021, I was diagnosed with ALS, and the vision became very clear. I kept following my dream images, and with the help of Henna Taylor, my videographer, “Only the Mountain Remains” emerged. It is about death, life, and freedom.

Synopsis of Only the Mountain Remains:

How can embracing death teach us how to truly live? Is it possible to live this life in the mystical realm outside of time? The revelations in this short film by Tory Capron are her final teachings, as Tory is living and dying with ALS. A spiritual teacher for the past 30 years, Tory combines her love of the teachings and her wonder of the natural world with the creative and inspiring human body. Each extraordinary, mind-stopping scene will lift the veil to reveal that nothing is left…except everything. Resilience is woven throughout the progression of seasons, consciousness, illness, and even death as the film takes us on a journey far beyond our minds. Tory’s spoken teachings, combined with stunning visuals of human movement in unique landscapes, help to unmask what is and has always been.

Please watch, share, post, and enjoy Only the Mountain Remains, winner of Wisdom Tree International Film Festival’s 2022 short film: https://vimeo.com/744326172

May this film be of benefit to all beings,
Victoria Wolf Capron (Tory)